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Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Goodbye 2010

2010 was in lots of ways a very good year for me; snowboarding, Berlin, Italy, new friends, wonderful plays, fantastic bands, watching couples move in together, getting married or becoming a mum and of course, a new life for me. I learned that I am still brave enough to change everything and to not settle for less. I have had a truly amazing 10 weeks here and can’t wait for the next 42. I can only hope that 2011 holds as much joy as 2010 did and that I find what I am looking for here. I want to thank all of you for your well wishes over Christmas. It’s lovely to hear from you all and to be reminded that you haven’t forgotten me (yet).
Christmas was fine, a non-event really, spent with a married couple, an eccentric doctor and a nun who could be 105. If ever there were a bunch of characters, it was them. The husband is half deaf; the doctor who thinks himself hilarious (and has a braying laugh to prove it); the nun with two buck teeth and who has been here from “the start” (1905) according to the doctor. The day was a mixture of tension, rude jokes, banter and good food. Christmas pud from Dublin and three glorious, wonderful, sublime Gin and Tonics. Oh yes, David was on his ear!
So Happy Hogmanay, New Year etc. etc. and I look forward to seeing most of you at the end of 2011. Here’s to another great year!
A collage of the lovely people at my goodbye drinks


  1. Just a note to say: Happy New Year! Thank you for your blog in 2010, we appreciate it. You are a long way away, but not forgotten.

  2. Don't listen to Nick, I've completely forgotten about you! ;)

    Happy New Year!
